Mad Magazine just brought a great cover. I think, this is how I would feel, if I where Barack Obama right now. 😉
Der Herbst ist definitiv da….
Restaurant Nagano, Salzburg
I really like Sushi. And during my last visit in Salzburg, I was at Restaurant Nagano, a really nice sushi place. A bit hard to find, as in Salzburg, there seem to be thoursands of little squares and places in between the buildings of the old city center.If you are looking for a nice romantic get away for a weekend in Europe, Salzburg is certainly worth the trip and the Nagano, a nice place for great sushi.
Blogs, Blogger und Journalisten…
Manchmal finde ich es schlicht und ergreifend zum Kotzen… Dieses ewige Blogger vs. Journalisten Thema.So schreibt in der aktuellen Welt-Woche, Kurt W. Zimmermann seine Kolumne über «Das Blogismus-Problem» in der er bemängelt, dass es keine bissigen deutschsprachigen Blogs gebe.Pro-Blogger Peter Hogenkamp geht da natürlich sofort und mit viel Power und Elan drauf ein. Kurt W. Zimmermann, Du alter Medienwichser! Gratulation!Bei solchen Posts find ich Hogenkamp wieder richtig gut.Was ich an der Diskussion aber müssig finde, ist das ewige Hin und Her, wer jetzt den besseren Journalismus macht, oder diese ewige Rollen-Zuteilung. Bist Du Blogger? Bist Du Journalist, bald kommt noch, bist Du Twitterer?Hallo? Wacht mal auf!Bei Blogs gehts um Meinungen! Blogs, Tweets, Leser-Briefe, SMS, Flugblätter, Flyer alles Formen der freien one-to-many Meinungsäusserung.Wir leben in einer Zeit in der die Meinungen nicht mehr nur von einer kleinen Zahl von Leuten publiziert und damit auch kontrolliert werden, sondern in der die Vielzahl der Meinungen zunehmends steigt. Es findet eine globale Diskussion statt, and der sich jeder beteiligen kann, darf und womöglich auch soll!Denn nur durch die Betrachtung aus vielen Blickwickeln wird etwas wirklich transparent. (Beispiel Spion-Spiegel, ist nur einseitig transparent)Liebe Medienschaffende, lernt, dass nicht ihr die Meinungen wiedergebt, spiegelt und kontrolliert, sondern wir, die Menschen dieser Welt. Zeitungen, Filme, TV, Blogs, Youtube, etc. alles sind nur Kanäle der Meinungsdistribution. Und je offener diese Kanäle, desto mehr werden sie genutzt und “embraced”.@Weltwoche: öffnet Euer Archiv und teilt Eure Meinung mit, anstatt sie den nur bezahlenden Menschen zugänglich zu machen und allen anderen vorzuenthalten. Startet Diskussionen und lasst die Leute daran partizipieren. Das ist die wahre Aufgabe zukünftiger Medien.Im übrigen empfehle ich: – unsere Social Media News PlattformUnd wer selbst noch keinen eigenen Meinungsäusserungs-Distributionskanal hat, der kriegt hier seinen eigenen! Peter: Das C. bei mir ist kein Doktor-Titel, sondern stammt aus dem amerikanischen Teil meiner Herkunftskultur Gerne wiedermal auf ein Bier!@ Kurt W.: unter findest Du viele gute Schweizer Blogs zu über 32 Themen!
10 Great Start-Up tips
Just came accross an article on: about 10 great tipps for startups:
1. You don’t need office space: Plenty of startups do just fine working out of a basement or spare bedroom.2. Don’t Bargain Shop For Small Things: Resist the temptation to find the best deal on cheap things (like computers). It may be personally satisfying to save $50 on a printer, but you’re wasting valuable time.
3. Think Of A Good Name: Spend at least a few hours thinking about a name for your business. Read a couple of practical articles on the topic. Talk to other people to test your names. Most entrepreneurs spend too little time (as in almost none) on a company name. A good name won’t make your startup successful, and a bad one won’t make it fail, but some simple guidelines help. And, a name is hard to change later.
Reference 1 (Guy Kawasaki): The Name Game
Reference 2 (Dharmesh Shah): The Startup Name Game
Note: Unsurprisingly, Guy’s article is better, but I wrote mine first (did not copy his “Name Game” title).
4. No Fancy Titles: Don’t waste time coming up with fancy titles for the founders. Simply use “founder” for your title and get back to real work.
5. Forget Business Plans: Instead of laboring over your business plan, labor over your business. If you do work intensely on your business plan, assume that you are the only person that will ever read it. Even your mom and you spouse won’t read it. Potential investors will definitely not read it.
6. Avoid Pontificators: Early team members all need to do something. Don’t recruit pontificators. Beware the pure “idea people”. You want “get things done” people. There will always be more ideas in your startup than there are people to execute them.
7. Venture Funding Is Hard: Raising venture funding is actually harder than bootstrapping — especially if it’s your first startup. Try and figure out a way to get going without funding. Take the hundreds of hours you’ll save and go help customers solve problems.
8. Allocate Most Time To Customer Value: Act as if someone is paying you $1,000/hour for every hour you spend making life measurably better for your customers — and $10/hour for everything else. In the long-run, the ratio will be about right.
9. Part-Time Is Sub-Optimal (but OK): Many people will tell you that you are unlikely to succeed with a startup if you’re working on it just nights and weekends. They’re probably right. But, better nights and weekends than waiting forever to get things kicked off.
10. Get Started! I have yet to meet someone that took the leap, quit their job, started a company and regretted their decision (regardless of outcome). Most people that have great jobs over-estimate the risk of leaving them. Great people can almost always find another job if things go really, really poorly with their startup.
What do you think? Any additional tipps and recommendations?
BlogNews – Swiss Social Media News
Today we are announcing the launch of our local Swiss Social Media News Website:
BlogNews is a regular Social Media News Website such als Digg, Yigg, or WebNews. Users can submit News-Stories from the Web and vote on them to make them popular. Once a Website reaches the popularity level, it automatically surfaces to the front-page where it profits from additional traffic and direct Links to it’s original source.
Give it a try! Or give me Feedback, am glad to hear from you! -> BlogNews
@ Streetparade in Zurich
Fun weekend. It was Streetparade in Zurich again!
Streetparade as developed from a techno-festival to one of the coolest summer events in Switzerland. With nearly 1 Mio. people attending, dressing up and reinventing theirselves for one day, it is a party of friendship, tolerance and openness. And a bunch of fun!
1. August Fondue
Zum diesjährigen 1. August Fest lud ich viele Freunde zu mir an den Strand ein. Ein glattes Fest, auch wenn der erste Teil des Nachmittags durch den Regen etwas getrübt wurde.
Ein Highlight war jedenfalls das Fondue, dass ich für die Deutschen Besucher aus Berlin zauberte. Hat schon was, in Zürich am Strand Fondue unter freiem Himmel zu essen! 🙂
Sollte man wieder machen 🙂
Going to SES Hamburg. Thanks!
I recently participated in an online drawing of an SES Hamburg ticket over on my friend Joost de Valk’s SEO Blog.
I was very fortunate and won the free ticket, so I will be flying to Hamburg tomorrow. I am really happy to be meeting some of my friends there such as Mediadonis, Matt McGowan, and many many others.
Also, we happened to have a Ex-Scout24 Meetup by coincedence. But a bunch of fun as well! Interesting how many good people arised from Scout24, and how few are left there.
In this picuture, Niels, Ronjon, Ron, Marcus (yes I copied the picture off your blog 😉 ) and Pascal.
Kontaktlinsen Shop –
If you have been following my blog (not much to follow 😉 ) you will know, that I have founded a company called: Idealizer Ltd. which is an eLab for Online Media in Switzerland.
As one of our 4 main areas of business, we have launched AdSpace, an online marketing consultancy. My team and I share some of our Search Engine Optimization know-how with companies or affiliated companies.
Other than most SEO companies, my business development background has led us to develop an Online Optimization model, rather than just search engine optimization. What we have found is, that often a person or company will have a great idea, hire a developer and launch a service. But due to the lack of online knowledge, such projects often just slumber, rather than actually take off.
We have decided, that that is a good stage for us to enter and offer our services. We started calling it: pre-angel-invest phase. What we can do, is help turn a good idea with bad online excellence into a good idea with a nice online track record.
Therefore our services cover OnSite-Optimization, OffSite-Optimization, Ad-Tuning, SiteTuning as well as optical Redesign.
One of our recent customers is an online contact lens shop (Kontaktlinsen ist the German word for contact lenses) called
We redid the entire shop and design part and have reduced the order process from approx. 7 to approx. 4 steps. So in case you need any contact lenses, give our friends a try and have a look at what we did. 🙂