And here we are again… Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport. Gosh, I love travelling, especially when I get an entire 3 seat row for myself 🙂 Who would ever want to fly business?
Then again, on the other side, if you fly alot, you will most likely share the evil most travellers experience… You get to sit next to that fat sweating ugly guy. Where the heck are all the women?
Is there an airline men haven’t heard of sofar, one, only women use? Do women, no, let me rephraise that, do GOOD LOOKING women not fly on commercial airlines?
Actually, I think I’m wrong. Today I was proven wrong. Not only did I have a 3 seat row to myself, but so did the woman in front of me, and to keep things simple, wow! Anyone not on my plane today and not in my seat sure missed out on something.
CH (her initials) thanks for beeing on that plane and making my day. Hope to hear from you.
To all others reading this, travel, meet and be marry, for gosh, it’s worth it.
Thank you Atlanta Hearts Field…