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Congratulations Barack Obama

So it’s been two years to the day, since the new american government has been sworn in. Today, I got an e-mail from Vice President Joe Biden (ok, it wasn’t a personal one) linking to the following report, about what the current administration has achieved during it’s first two years in office.

Now personally, I am a republican at heart. But the way politics are currently run in the US, I must say, I stand steadily shoulder to shoulder with the direction Barack Obama’s administration is going.

Although I believe strongly, that government should be kept small and that the private sector should be allowed to rules it self, I do also strongly believe, that the government representing us as a people, needs to set some ruling guidelines in order to controll corporate greed and keep the power balance between us as citizens and large corporations intact. It is we, wo are the country. Let us not be reduced to pure consumers.

Congratulations on your achievements Barack and Joe. Keep sailing on!

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